Corporate Network Photography Detroit MI

DDetroit Executive Headshot Photographer Mary DuPrie

The image above was from my CBS studios shoot for their on-air talent.  I love the fact they want cool hip horizontals along with the traditional verticals.  The background is the hardest to shoot.  It’s hard to get use to the idea that the floor is  half of my image because I’m always standing on a ladder.  I shot him with my spiderlites at f4 and the background was a  colored and ND ‘d gelled strobe.  CBS uses them as autograph cards so they want the talent way off to one side.


Is it wrong to eat cookies and watch the biggest loser?  To watch a show on anorexia and wish you could “catch” it just a wee bit perhaps?  What is my fascination with others weakness’s?       I always seem to cry when biggest loser is on.  Is it because I feel better about myself or that I’ll have ice cream afterwords?  I think Dr Drew is sexy!  Is that wrong?

Hoarders, Over Eaters,  Under Eaters, Gamblers, Drug Addicts,  OCD, Photography

We are in denial about how much money we sink into it and what our return will be.  Do you tell your significant other how much money you really spend, have you ever lied about it?

Denial is our friend.

Will we or won’t we ever make a fabulous living with our obsession!

A leap of faith or blind faith?

I asked a fellow full time photographer this week if he puts in 8 hours a day every day doing something to further his business.  What, you haven’t updated your website in three years.  hummm.  So you’re waiting for the phone to ring?  Scratches head… hummm

Just because I’m not shooting doesn’t mean I have the day off.  An hour or two isn’t going to cut it.  We have to be so disciplined as artists.

Take my blog for instance., the discipline to write every day is tremendous.  It’s so easy to blow it off, which I’ve been seriously guilty of lately.  It feeds on itself.   I see my readership going down, no surprise.  Standing still is going backwards.

Photography is a moving target.


Michigan Portfolio Photographer Mary Duprie


4 comments category: Photographing models

1 Mike February 2, 2011 at 7:37 pm

I’m fairly new to the “Mary experience” so I hang on every post and every word in them. I have gone through every previous post and every video. Your style/approach is what I aspire to. So, you have a regular reader in me. I know posting every day or every week can be tough, though.

As far as the Biggest Loser and similar shows, it just makes me feel good to see others overcome a negative in their life.


2 Mark F February 2, 2011 at 1:10 pm

Keep up the good fight. I follow via your blog RSS feed which means I don’t really feel the pain when you haven’t updated but that doesn’t mean I don’t avidly check for a new post every time I log in.


3 Detroit Corporate Photographers February 2, 2011 at 8:18 am

OK, I’m gonna go stab myself in my eye.


4 Craig Stevens February 2, 2011 at 5:47 am

“Photography is a moving target” oh how true Mary!


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