Testing With Lauren

Lauren, Test Shoot from mary duprie on Vimeo.

Detroit Michigan Model Photographer Mary DuPrie

Lauren looks great in todays video but unfortunately most of the time she doesn’t have a head!?  I’ve changed the size of the video to make the file smaller, 720×440.  I’ll have to be mindful of the layout lines on the screen.

Vimeo use to have a maximum file upload of 1 gig, I noticed this week they’ve upped it to 5 gigs.  You have to use their new Ajax uploader.  The max you can upload is 5 gig a week with Vimeo Plus.  You can split it up any way you wish though.

It also looks like the screen has stretched my final retouched image at the end of each segment?  I choose Clip>Video Option>Scale to frame size, must be wrong?

One of these days I’ll get it right.  Whether I get it right or not I plan on posting it, perhaps there’s a nugget in there somewhere!?


1 comment category: Photographing models,Testing

1 Grosse Pointe, MI Lash Extensions March 15, 2012 at 9:18 pm

Love the video! Lauren looks fantastic.


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