I Hate Flowers

Well, at least those flowers, spoken from a workshop attendee today.

I was visiting my neighbor the upholster and he mentioned he just donated a lot of fabric to Salvation Army.   What!?   I thought I was going to get all your scrap fabric, hummmm.    A couple of days later a dozen bolt ends were sitting outside my door.

A few pieces look like grandma wall paper (thus I hate flowers) but adding lots of light to the background changes the whole appearance.  What you see is not what you get so you have to keep an open mind.

Shooting wide open with a long lens really does the trick.  Good glass is never a bad investment, especially in a small studio.

In person it’s not something I would like to live with, but shot high key like this you never know what you’re going to get.  Free is good…just sayin 

North facing studio window light, tri flector and white foam core fill, and the ugly fabric in question.

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