My new kids animo video with a great happy song I think. I had to trudge through a lot of songs to find it. It’s listed under Singer/Song Writer on animoto. So basically another major project scratched off my list. I also finished a headshot and mens video today. So we’ll see what response I’ll be getting from inquires. I’ll keep you posted.
The hardest work flow for me to remember is tweaking my modeling photography workshops site, modeling dvds and I can’t remember the work flow and I think writing it down wouldn’t help either. Every single time I need to tweak it I need help. The websites were custom made for me and I was at their mercy. I’m starting to understand but I’m very intimated by the process. Fear of breaking the “code” is always in the back of my mind.
Today I spent 5 hours on Skype… a record. I posted my 2011 workshop dates today and started tweaking it by paring it down. My workshop site is my oldest and doesn’t match my main website or blog. I tried incorporating it into my blog when I was first creating it but I was overwhelmed and gave up. I have other big projects I need to get to so it will just have to stay on the back burner.
The site is very dated and doesn’t represent me anymore. I”m not really sure what to do about it. I don’t have a brand as much as I just have a “look”.
I don’t think a “look” is enough, I want a brand. I can’t quite figure that one out.
Hey Mary glad to have you back in my In box. The new images look great!
Does anyone know what happened to Mary?
Merry Christmas and Happy New year Mary!
Not like Mary not to be blogging? Hope all is well.