Detroit Michigan Commercial Model Photography by Mary DuPrie
I’ve never licensed music before, but I have a video I want music for. Commercial websites DO NOT have music on them. That is a big no no. Art directors sit in little cubicles and if they click on a website with music blaring it pisses them off. If you want to go commercial skip the music. Pretty much everyone else can have music.
I’ve always heard it takes a lot of time looking for songs so I wasn’t looking forward to the adventure. I just Googled licensing music and found and clicked on a few sights. The sight I finally settled on was (the icon reads rumblefish though, not sure why).
I searched around for awhile looking for some sexy music, wow, it seemed daunting. I finally decided to try a song I loved and bingo they had it. They ask how you are going to use it and where. I was expecting the price to be about $100 so I was surprised when it came back $5… hummm. I was being as honest as I could in that I said Internet/Website and Videoblog. wanted $60.
I thought maybe the sight wasn’t legit so I asked around; seems to be. I also liked the sight because it has a bar you can drag to fast forward the song and triplescoop didn’t.
Would love to hear about other great websites that have music. I know absolutely nothing about this field. I’m looking for some super sexy music to add to a few glamour videos I have.
I’ll look up any and all suggestions and see what I find. I’ll post what I finally decide on.
A selection I bought today is Oxygen by Stephanie Schneiderman
Photography is a great business if you like to always have something to do.
I’ve been a huge fan of the Digital Juice folks – my background in visual media was initially video, and they have been there for a long time now. They have music that you buy & then can use unlimited use as long as it is sync-ed with video (ex: you cannot run an internet music station using their music). They also have multiple video backgrounds that are scalable for use as well as stock images and title thirds that are sets with the backgrounds or stand-alone.
I do not work for them, I just use their stuff and love it.
frank t recently posted..Maternity and Family Portraits
ahhh nice frank… this is exactly the kind of info that i’m looking for. I don’t know much about video and music but i’m trying. unfortunately erick is using final cut pro and i have premeir pro so when we talk i don’t always follow him. i will def pass this along. what format should i buy for premeir pro? aiff i think they called it?
don’t even know what title thirds are; i’ll have to look that up!
sounds like you should do a guess post…
“Photography is a great business if you like to always have something to do.”
Amen to THAT, Mary.